Mr Owor is the Chairperson of the Technical Committee on Deposit Protection. He is a member of the Finance, Investment and Risk Management Committee as well as the Corporate Governance and Human Capital Committee of the Board. He holds an MBA majoring in Strategic Management from the East & Southern Africa Management Institute Arusha and Maastricht School of Management Netherlands (ESAMI/MSM) and a Bachelor of Commerce (Finance) from Makerere University.
He has over 25 years work experience, 20 of which at senior management level in banking, business development and consumer services institutions in East Africa. He is the Executive Director Uganda Bankers Association and a director in Fincon Africa LLC, a private financial advisory firm focused on creating value around investment opportunities in Africa. With regard to the Ugandan Banking system, he has served in different capacities including Managing Director, United Bank for Africa, Head, Consumer Banking DFCU Bank, Head of Liabilities & Channel Expansion (Retail) Barclays Bank of Uganda.