DPF CEO appointed Chairperson of the Internal Control Executive Council Committee of the International Association of Deposit Insurers (IADI)
The Deposit Protection Fund (DPF) is proud to announce that the Chief Executive Officer, Dr. Julia Clare Olima Oyet, has been appointed as Chairperson of the Internal Control Executive Committee of the International Association of Deposit Insurers (IADI). This was during the IADI EXCO meeting held between February 26 and March 1, 2024 in Basel, Switzerland. She is the only African Chairing an IADI Council Committee.
IADI is a global organization dedicated to enhancing the stability of the international financial system by promoting effective deposit insurance systems. The Committee that Dr. Julia Clare will lead aims at developing and maintaining an effective internal control and risk management framework within IADI to ensure that all its activities are compliant with the applicable organizational policies and procedures. It is composed of members from; Palestine, Turkey, Brazil and Jamaica amongst others. This appointment is a testament to Dr. Julia Oyet’s expertise and leadership qualities. It also highlights the significant contribution of Africa and specifically Uganda to the rest of the global financial system.