Courtesy Visit to Post Bank Uganda by The Deposit Protection Fund of Uganda – November 19, 2021
The Deposit Protection Fund of Uganda (DPF) routinely engages with Contributing Institutions (CI’s) to discuss emerging pertinent issues. This time round the DPF team led by CEO Mrs. Julia Clare Olima Oyet visited Post Bank Uganda on November 19, 2021 and were hosted by Mr. Andrew Kabeera, Executive Director of Post Bank Limited.
Mrs. Julia Oyet reiterated that the visits were intended to strengthen the relationship between the Fund and Contributing Institutions. She commended Post Bank limited for its efforts in updating customer records and appraised the Bank on the major ongoing projects the Fund was implementing. These were the Single Customer View (SCV) project which requires CIs to update depositor records with their National ID information and an alternative mode of payment (either a mobile money number or an alternative bank account); the IT Pay-Out and Premium Management System which would have an interface to enable banks share information on depositor records on a regular basis; and the public awareness drive on the role and mandate of the DPF.
The DPF team listens to Mrs. Justine Wabwire as she makes a submission during the meeting.
The Executive Director Post Bank on his part appreciated the DPF team for the visit and for taking the time to share ideas which could help drive up compliance levels with respect to updating of customer records. He noted that Post Bank Limited was committed to doing their best in ensuring compliance.